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Fault Diagnosis and Analysis of 70 m/s Straight Open Wind Tunnel for Meteorology

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DOI: 10.23977/erej.2024.080213 | Downloads: 9 | Views: 245


Yuanshang Jin 1, Wenbo Sun 1, Tianshu Shen 1, Hao Guo 1, Yunfang Wei 1, Chunhui Liu 1


1 Jilin Provincial Meteorological Detection Support Center (Jilin Provincial Meteorological Instrument Metrology Verification Station), Changchun, China

Corresponding Author

Chunhui Liu


The verification quality of the sensor is the primary task of the metrological verification laboratory, and the wind tunnel is a tubular experimental equipment used to measure the difference in the influence of air flow on the wind speed sensor. Taking Jilin Province as an example, this paper studies and analyzes the causes of the faults in the actual operation of the 70m/s straight open wind tunnel for meteorology, and gives the corresponding solutions. Through the practical work experience in the straight open wind tunnel, according to the principle of dealing with related problems, the causes of the faults are analyzed in terms of hardware and software, and the problems existing in the verification process are summarized and compared. The suggestions for the use of 70 m/s straight open wind tunnel in the future are listed in detail, which provides experience for the use of meteorological wind tunnel laboratories in the country.


Metrological Verification; Straight open wind tunnel for meteorology; Fault diagnosis and analysis; Wind speed sensor


Yuanshang Jin, Wenbo Sun, Tianshu Shen, Hao Guo, Yunfang Wei, Chunhui Liu, Fault Diagnosis and Analysis of 70 m/s Straight Open Wind Tunnel for Meteorology. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2024) Vol. 8: 91-96. DOI:


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