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Development Model of Japanese National Parks: A Stakeholder Approach with Shiretoko and Fuji Hakone Izu Examples

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DOI: 10.23977/erej.2024.080214 | Downloads: 15 | Views: 247


Enqing Zhu 1, Ping Wei 1


1 School of Foreign Languages, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China

Corresponding Author

Ping Wei


This research explores the development models of Japan's national parks and constructs a governance framework using stakeholder theory. By analyzing Fuji Hakone Izu and Shiretoko National Parks, it proposes effective methods for identifying and classifying stakeholders, and examines their diverse needs and influence on park development. The governance framework includes three key elements: (1) clearly defining the roles and relationships of power, economic, regulatory, and social stakeholders; (2) ensuring sustainable park development through stakeholder participation; and (3) promoting a balance between economic and environmental goals to achieve multifunctionality. This framework provides theoretical support for managing Japan's national parks and serves as a reference for governance in protected areas globally.


Japanese National Parks; Stakeholder Theory; National Park Development Model; Fuji Hakone Izu National Park; Shiretoko National Park


Enqing Zhu, Ping Wei, Development Model of Japanese National Parks: A Stakeholder Approach with Shiretoko and Fuji Hakone Izu Examples. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2024) Vol. 8: 97-109. DOI:


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