Design of University Student Status Management System Based on Web B/S Architecture
DOI: 10.23977/acss.2024.080704 | Downloads: 102 | Views: 466
Qing Liu 1
1 School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao, 125100, China
Corresponding Author
This paper aims to design and implement a university student status management system based on Web B/S architecture in view of the drawbacks of traditional student status management. Through the analysis of the research status in this field, the achievements and deficiencies in aspects such as technology integration, function optimization, and data security are clarified. A detailed demand analysis is carried out from three aspects: business requirements, user requirements, and functional requirements. The system adopts B/S architecture, is developed with Java combined with front-end technologies, uses MySQL as the back-end database, and relies on cloud server services. The overall architecture and network topology structure are designed. Each module of the system implementation is elaborated in detail, including student information management, course and grade management, reward and punishment information management, and system management modules. Function, performance, and security tests are conducted on the system. This system improves the efficiency and service quality of university student status management and provides strong support for the informatization construction of universities. In the future, the intelligent direction can be explored to further enhance the system functions.
University Student Status Management System, Web, B/S Architecture, System TestingCITE THIS PAPER
Qing Liu, Design of University Student Status Management System Based on Web B/S Architecture. Advances in Computer, Signals and Systems (2024) Vol. 8: 29-36. DOI:
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