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Research on Vegetation Cover and Land Use Change in Northwest China Based on MODIS-MDVI

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DOI: 10.23977/erej.2024.080215 | Downloads: 20 | Views: 216


Wenke Ge 1,2, Jinzhi Gu 1,2, Yuting Tian 1,2, Tengyan Feng 1,2


1 School of Resources and Environment, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi, 830052, China
2 Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Soil and Plant Ecological Processes, Urumqi, 830052, China

Corresponding Author

Jinzhi Gu


Vegetation is a vital ecological barrier that supports regional ecological security and sustainable development. Using MOIDS-NDVI data and a pixel binary model, this study analyzed vegetation cover and its driving factors in Northwest China. Spatiotemporal changes in vegetation coverage were assessed with trend analysis, and land use changes were examined using a land use change map. The results show that: (1) From 2000 to 2021, the vegetation coverage in Northwest China increased in a fluctuating manner with a period of 0.00173% per year, but overall showed a characteristic of high in the north, low in the south, high in the west, and low in the east. (2) NDVI in Northwest China is positively correlated with precipitation, with a correlation coefficient of 0.161, and not significantly negatively correlated with temperature, with a correlation coefficient of -0.015. (3) The land use change in Northwest China is mainly characterized by the mutual conversion between unused land and grassland, and there is a responsive relationship between vegetation cover change and land use change. The conversion map of unused land closely matches areas of significant vegetation improvement, indicating that turning unused land into grassland and farmland is the main driver of increased vegetation cover. Thus, analyzing vegetation cover and its driving factors is crucial for understanding ecosystem changes, guiding vegetation restoration, and planning spatiotemporal adjustments.


Normalized Vegetation Index, Vegetation Coverage, Land Use Change, Spatiotemporal Variation


Wenke Ge, Jinzhi Gu, Yuting Tian, Tengyan Feng, Research on Vegetation Cover and Land Use Change in Northwest China Based on MODIS-MDVI. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2024) Vol. 8: 110-119. DOI:


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