Research on the Marketing Strategy of Male Color Cosmetics—Taking JACB Brand as an Example
DOI: 10.23977/acccm.2024.060517 | Downloads: 33 | Views: 264
Xiaoyu Li 1
1 Department of Stage Art, National Academy of China Theatre Arts University, Beijing, China
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With the opening up of society and the gradual improvement of men's aesthetic awareness, the male makeup market is gradually expanding and becoming a new growth point for cosmetics. However, due to the late start of this market, the male color cosmetics market still has many challenges and opportunities. This paper summarizes the importance of its marketing and points out the future market trends and opportunities. The market should grasp the opportunity and continuously improve itself to seize the opportunity. Through theoretical analysis, understanding consumer needs and psychology, shaping brand image, and expanding sales channels, among other strategies, companies can improve brand influence and market share, ultimately realizing sustainable development.
Beauty Products; Male Consumer Psychology; Consumer Demand; Marketing Strategy; Loyalty; Competitiveness Marketing Strategy; Loyalty; CompetitivenessCITE THIS PAPER
Xiaoyu Li, Research on the Marketing Strategy of Male Color Cosmetics—Taking JACB Brand as an Example. Accounting and Corporate Management (2024) Vol. 6: 115-122. DOI:
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