Optimization of Crop Planting Strategy Based on Interior Point Method
DOI: 10.23977/agrfem.2024.070212 | Downloads: 3 | Views: 157
Zihan Liu 1, Xiaoyan Tan 1, Yinan Li 1
1 School of Business, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an, 710128, China
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For the problem of optimal planting strategy of crops in a village in North China for the next seven years, the expected sales volume is calculated based on the expected value method, and a linear programming model is constructed to formulate the optimal planting scheme of crops. In order to enhance the risk-resistant ability of the planting strategy, a multi-stage stochastic planning model of crop planting under uncertainty conditions is established and further programs are obtained. Finally, a multiple linear regression model is constructed, and the K-means clustering algorithm is used to investigate the correlation between the expected sales volume of each crop, the sales price, the planting cost, and the substitutability and complementarity between different crops. Compared with other literatures in recent years, this paper comprehensively uses Monte Carlo method and interior point method to enhance the universality and reasonableness of the optimal crop planting strategy, and to help the countryside to produce income and realize the sustainable economic and social development.
Interior Point Method, Multi-Stage Stochastic Programming Model, Multiple Linear Regression Model, K-Means ClusteringCITE THIS PAPER
Zihan Liu, Xiaoyan Tan, Yinan Li, Optimization of Crop Planting Strategy Based on Interior Point Method. Agricultural & Forestry Economics and Management (2024) Vol. 7: 86-97. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/agrfem.2024.070212.
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