Effects of Human Activities on Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Ecological Stoichiometry in Desert Oasis Regions
DOI: 10.23977/erej.2024.080217 | Downloads: 16 | Views: 258
Yuze Wu 1, Wei Shi 1, Junju Zhou 1, Anning Gou 1
1 College of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, 730070, China
Corresponding Author
This study focused on three typical land-use types in the desert oasis region of the lower Shiyang River: farmland, abandoned farmland, and shrubland. Soil samples were collected and analyzed to investigate the seasonal and depth variations of soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and their ecological stoichiometric ratios. The impact of human activities on the soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and their ecological stoichiometric ratios in these three land types was also explored. The results indicated that: (1) SOC, TN, and TP contents in farmland soil were higher than those in abandoned farmland and shrubland, reflecting that human cultivation and fertilization activities significantly enhanced the carbon and nitrogen sequestration capacity of the soil. Although fertilization can improve cropland soil productivity in the short term, long-term nitrogen and phosphorus inputs disrupt the natural nitrogen cycle and transformation system of the soil and lead to the formation of insoluble phosphorus compounds, reducing the available phosphorus for crops. This ultimately results in a low soil C: N ratio (12.71) and high C:P (12.34) and N:P (1.03) ratios. In the long run, low C:N and high C:P ratios greatly increase the risk of soil fertility decline, degradation, and rapid organic matter turnover. (2) After farmland was abandoned, SOC, TN, and TP contents decreased to varying degrees. Compared to farmland, the vertical trends of soil C:N and N:P ratios in abandoned farmland were roughly similar, while the vertical trend of the C:P ratio differed significantly. The C: N, C:P, and N:P ratios in abandoned farmland gradually approached those of shrubland (18.64, 9.91, and 0.54, respectively), indicating that after farmland abandonment, the soil is transitioning towards natural soil conditions. However, the recovery of nutrient content levels and the balance of ecological stoichiometric ratios in abandoned farmland is a slow process, requiring the planting of drought-resistant plants to improve soil quality and prevent desertification. (3) This study underscores the importance of sustainable land management. Local farmers should be encouraged to adopt intermittent cultivation and combine balanced fertilization with moderate organic matter incorporation (e.g., straw return) to reduce the negative impacts of agriculture on soil health and ecosystem functions. Future efforts should focus on restoring the soil quality of abandoned farmland and adopting sustainable practices in cropland to ensure long-term ecological stability and sustainability in desert oasis regions.
Human Activities, Desert Oasis Region, Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Ecological Stoichiometry, Lower Reaches of the Shiyang RiverCITE THIS PAPER
Yuze Wu, Wei Shi, Junju Zhou, Anning Gou, Effects of Human Activities on Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Ecological Stoichiometry in Desert Oasis Regions. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2024) Vol. 8: 129-142. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/erej.2024.080217.
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