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A Study of Cultural Integration in Corporate Merger and Expansion

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DOI: 10.23977/acccm.2024.060518 | Downloads: 10 | Views: 139


Xujian Pan 1


1 Jiangxi University of Applied Science, Nanchang, 330100, China

Corresponding Author

Xujian Pan


As the pace of globalization of the world economy accelerates, enterprises are facing more and more intense external market competition. In order to stabilize the domestic market, to explore the international market, and to occupy a place in the future global competition, all enterprises are looking for the measures of rapid expansion. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is an important strategic means for modern enterprises to rapidly realize resource integration, market expansion and competitiveness enhancement, but the cultural differences between different enterprises in this process often lead to cultural conflicts, which is one of the main reasons for the failure of M&A. Starting from the importance of effective cultural integration, this paper systematically analyzes the main factors affecting cultural integration, including organizational cultural differences, management decision-making, employee recognition and the influence of the external environment, the various strategies and modes of cultural integration, and summarizes the successful experiences and lessons of failure through typical cases. This paper constructs an evaluation system of cultural integration and proposes a dynamic adjustment method to optimize the integration effect, which provides theoretical support and practical guidance for cultural integration in merger and acquisition expansion.


Business acquisition and expansion, cultural integration, organizational culture, culture clash, integration strategies


Xujian Pan, A Study of Cultural Integration in Corporate Merger and Expansion. Accounting and Corporate Management (2024) Vol. 6: 123-130. DOI:


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