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Parrondo’s Paradox: Gambling games from noise induced transport - a new study

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DOI: 10.23977/jptc.2018.11001 | Downloads: 64 | Views: 5940


Sourabh Banerjee 1, Abhijit Kar Gupta 2


1 Department of Physics, Government General Degree College at Kushmandi, P.O. Kalikamora, South Dinajpur, Pin: 733 121, WB, India
2 Department of Physics (UG & PG), Panskura Banamali College (autonomous), Panskura R.S., East Midnapore, Pin: 721 152, WB, India

Corresponding Author

Abhijit Kar Gupta


Noise is known to disrupt a preferred act or motion. Yet, noise and broken symmetry in asymmetric potential, together, can make a directed motion possible, in fact essential in some cases. In Biology, in order to understand the motions of molecular motors in cells ratchets are imagined as useful models. Besides, there are optical ratchets and quantum ratchets considered in order to understand corresponding transport phenomena in physics. The discretized actions of ratchets can be well understood in terms of probabilistic gambling games which are of immense interest in Control theory – a powerful tool in physics, engineering, economics, biology and social sciences.


Paradox, Ratchet, Brownian, Game, Gamble, Gambling, probabilistic game, coin tossing, Noise, Molecular motor.


Abhijit Kar Gupta, Sourabh Banerjee, Parrondo’s Paradox: Gambling games from noise induced transport - a new study. Journal of Physics Through Computation(2018) 1: 1-7.


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