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I2C data transfer program design and communication protocol improvement

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DOI: 10.23977/lnwnc.2018.11001 | Downloads: 112 | Views: 6789


Yuxin DUAN 1


1 Department of Communication Engineering, SiChuan University, 1st Ring Road, Chengdu Sichuan, China

Corresponding Author

Yuxin DUAN


This basic concepts and principles of the I2C communication protocol were introduced in this paper. Based on the I2C communication protocol, the eUIDE software platform and the ELAN EM78P259N single-chip microcomputer was used to realize the data transmission and reception between EM78P259N and AT24C02 in assembly language, and the timing relationship diagram of data transmission verification and data transmission SDA and SCL was  given. The defects of the existing I2C communication protocol were analyzed, and the improvement schemes were given from the physical layer and the protocol layer, and the advantages and disadvantages between the schemes were evaluated.


I2C communication protocol, eUIDE, EM78P259N, AT24C02, assembly.


Yuxin, D., I2C data transfer program design and communication protocol improvement. Lecture Notes on Wireless Networks and Communications (2018) 1: 1-16.


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