Analysis on the Satisfaction of University Teachers' in-Service Development and Their Development Demand
DOI: 10.23977/aduhe.2021.030104 | Downloads: 7 | Views: 1166
Han Min 1,2, Janaka Low 1
1 Malaysia University Of Science And Technology, Petaling Jaya 47810, Malaysia
2 Xi`An University Of Architecture And Technology, Xi`an 710055, China
Corresponding Author
Teachers in colleges and universities will have a vision of personal development during their in-service period. If the vision is not met, it will cause teachers to feel dissatisfied, indicating that on-the-job satisfaction is reduced, and on the contrary, on-the-job satisfaction is increased. In this case, in consideration of the stability of human resources and the quality of the teaching staff, colleges and universities must understand the satisfaction of teachers in the in-service development of teachers in colleges and universities, and analyze the development needs of teachers from the satisfaction results, so as to meet the teachers' personal development vision in a targeted manner. This article will carry out related research, mainly constructing the in-service satisfaction evaluation system of college teachers, and then launching the satisfaction evaluation of college teachers, and finally analyzing the in-service development needs of teachers with reference to the satisfaction evaluation results, and at the same time putting forward suggestions for improvement.
University teachers, On-the-job development satisfaction, Development needsCITE THIS PAPER
Han Min, Janaka Low. Analysis on the Satisfaction of University Teachers' in-Service Development and Their Development Demand. Adult and Higher Education (2021) 3: 21-25. DOI:
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