Higher energy modes of Fractional quantum Hall Effect
DOI: 10.23977/jptc.2018.11002 | Downloads: 79 | Views: 5655
Debashis Das 1, Moumita Indra 1, Dwipesh Majumder 1
1 Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India
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Debashis DasABSTRACT
We have calculated the energy spectra for almost all the filling fraction in the Jain series, low energy fundamental mode as well as higher energy modes using CF theory. The nature of low energy mode and higher energy mode is nearly identical roton mode. We have observed that, these series of filling fractions ν = n/(2pn+1) posses n number of roton minima in their higher energy mode.
Higher energy, Fractional quantum, Jain series, CF theory.CITE THIS PAPER
Debashis, D., Moumita, I., Dwipesh, M., Higher energy modes of Fractional quantum Hall Effect. Journal of Physics Through Computation (2018) 1: 8-16.
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