Transient phases in the Vicsek model of flocking
DOI: 10.23977/jptc.2018.11003 | Downloads: 152 | Views: 6296
Sayantani Kayal 1, Muktish Acharyya 1
1 Department of Physics, Presidency University 86/1 College street, Kolkata-700073, India
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Sayantani KayalABSTRACT
The Vicsek model of flocking is studied by computer simulation. We confined our studies here to the morphologies and the lifetimes of transient phases. In our simulation, we have identified three distinct transient phases, namely, vortex phase, colliding phase and multi-domain phase. The mapping of Vicsek model to XY model in the v->0 limit prompted us to explore the possibility of finding any vortex kind of phases in the Vicsek model. We have obtained rotating vortex phase and measured the lifetime of this vortex phase. We have also measured the lifetimes of other two transient phases, i.e., colliding phase and multi-domain phase. We have measured the integrated lifetime (Tt) of all these transient phases and studied this as function of density and noise. In the low noise regime, we proposed here a scaling law TtN-a = F(pN-b) where F(x) is a scaling function like F(x)~x-s. By the method of data collapse, we have estimated the exponents as a = -0.110+/-0.010, b = 0.950+/-0.010 and s = 1.027+/-0.008. The integrated lifetime T (defined in the text differently) was observed to decrease as the noise approaches the critical noise from below. This behaviour is quite unusual and contrary to the critical slowing down observed in the case of well-known equilibrium phase transitions. We have provided a possible explanation from the time evolution of the distribution of the directions of velocities.
Vicsek model, Transient phases, Lifetime, Data collapse, Scaling, Critical slowing down.CITE THIS PAPER
Sayantani, K., Muktish, A., Transient phases in the Vicsek model of fl ocking, Journal of Physics Through Computation (2018) 1: 17-30.
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