Ab initio study of the ground and first excited states of the van der Waals complex ArHF and a possibility of fluorine anion from the excited state
DOI: 10.23977/jptc.2019.21002 | Downloads: 27 | Views: 3673
Tapas Kr. Ghosh 1
1 Department of Physics, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, Sarisha, DH Road, South 24-Pgs, West Bengal-743368, India
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Tapas Kr. GhoshABSTRACT
Ab initio study have been performed for this van der Waals complex ArHF using the multi-reference single and double excitation configuration interaction (MRSDCI) method to determine the spectroscopic constants of the ground and first excited states. The excited state results are found to be new in literature. A possibility of a fluorine anion from the excited ionic state (ArHF)* formed by Ar colliding with an excited ionic state of HF has also been examined.
Ab initio study, Spectroscopic constants, van der Waals complexCITE THIS PAPER
Tapas Kr. Ghosh, Ab initio study of the ground and first excited states of the van der Waals complex ArHF and a possibility of fluorine anion from the excited state, Journal of Physics Through Computation (2019) Vol. 2: 6-8. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/jptc.2019.21002.
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