DOI: 10.23977/geors.2022.050101 | Downloads: 24 | Views: 1218
Edirin Akpofure 1, Felix D. Akori 1
1 Department of Geology, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
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Edirin AkpofureABSTRACT
The samples from Amasiri Sandstone outcropping at Abini were studied and subjected to XRF analysis to determine the elemental constituents of the rock in order to infer maturity, degree of weathering, paleotectonic setting of the Sandstone. The elemental concentrations were presented as oxides in percentages which were used in normative calculations to achieve results. The results show that the dominant oxide in the Sandstone; CaO, along with MgO and Na2O correlate negatively with SiO2. This indicates CaO and MgO enrichment against SiO2, which is corroborated by the calculated mild level of calcification for the sediment which ranges from 4.31 to 10.06 with an average of 6.39. The negative correlation of Na2O with SiO2, also show enrichment of Na2O which could be predicated on the abundance of Na2O in source rock and minimal chemical weathering due to proximity of source rock. The SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of the studied sediment ranges from 1.89 – 2.89 with an average of 2.42, while that of the K2O/Na2O ratio for the sandstone range from 0.08 to 0.50. The maturity indices using the SiO2/Al2O3 and K2O/N2O ratios and weathering parameters: CIA, CIW and MIA all indicate that the Sandstone is immature, formed in an arid climate and has not gone through intense weathering to enable silica enrichment and feldspars depletion. The ICV values of the sandstone are > 1; they range from 4.58 to 10.88, signifying the Sandstone is immature and is not from a cratonic basin. In the K2O/Na2O ratio versus SiO2 plot, the sediments plot in the Oceanic island arc tectonic setting.
Weathering, Maturity, Bulk Chemical Analysis, Oxide ratio, Source rockCITE THIS PAPER
Edirin Akpofure, Felix D. Akori, MAJOR ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF EZEAKU SANDSTONES OUTCROPING AT ABINI, CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA. Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2022) Vol. 5: 1-10. DOI:
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