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Postsynthetic Modification of Metal Organic Frameworks with Substituted Layered Double Hydroxides for Adsorption of Lead Ions

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DOI: 10.23977/compne.2022.010101 | Downloads: 50 | Views: 2577


C.Y. Abasi 1, E. B. AttahDaniel 2,3, F.M. Mtunzi 3, E.D. Dikio 1


1 Department of Chemical Sciences, Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
2 Department of Chemical Sciences, Federal University Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria
3 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences, Vaal University of Technology, P. O. Box X021, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

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C.Y. Abasi


The effect of a two-pot postsynthetic modification of MOF with a modified LDH on the adsorption of Pb ions was investigated. Co-MOF was postsynthetically modified with an amino- silane substituted LDH and applied for the adsorption of Pb from aqueous solution. Synthetic and postsynthetic products were characterized by FTIR, PXRD and TGA/DTA. Blueshifts and redshifts of existing FT-IR bands in the PSM product in relation to that of the precursors confirmed the modification. PSM product was stable at temperatures up to 400ºC after a slight loss of surface water at low temperatures Adsorption capacity with respect to time at equilibrium was 34.58 mg/g, representing 87% of adsorbate uptake by the PSM Co-MOF. Equilibrium sorption data was better correlated by the Temkin model with a heat of sorption at 33.72 J/mol.  Kinetic modelling was most favoured by the pseudo second order, and diffusion by film diffusion model.


Postsynthetic, modification, adsorption, ex situ, characterisation, layered double hydroxide, metal organic framework, isotherms


C.Y. Abasi, E. B. AttahDaniel, F.M. Mtunzi, E.D. Dikio, Postsynthetic Modification of Metal Organic Frameworks with Substituted Layered Double Hydroxides for Adsorption of Lead Ions. Composites and Nano Engineering (2022) Vol. 1: 1-15. DOI:


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