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Estimation of Carbon Sequestration Content Based on Computer Modeling Techniques

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DOI: 10.23977/bactm.2022.020101 | Downloads: 22 | Views: 2365


Minghao Cui 1, Yuntao Fu 1, Shangyu Zeng 1


1 School of Computer Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China

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Minghao Cui


In today's world, the global warming trend continues, and forests are the main sites for capturing carbon dioxide to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. So it is necessary to improve forest carbon sequestration capacity through human intervention. In this paper, we collect information on carbon sequestration and calculate the total carbon sequestration into forest carbon sequestration and woody forest products carbon sequestration. We use multiple linear regression and biological inventory method to compare the carbon sequestration of planted forests and natural forests, then estimate the total carbon sequestration of forests themselves. We use the carbon sequestration formula of woody forest products to calculate the carbon sequestration of woody forest products. Then, according to the plant carbon stock estimation method and the biomass survey of forest ecosystem, the proportion of trees of different ages and the number of species in the forest are the influencing factors of total carbon sequestration. Combined with the set sustainable development model of tree cutting, it can be concluded that deforestation is one of the ways to regulate the carbon sequestration capacity of forest, and the development of cutting plan is also the transition point of forest management plan.


Carbon Sequestration Model, Tree Felling Model, Forest Management Plan


Minghao Cui, Yuntao Fu and Shangyu Zeng, Estimation of Carbon Sequestration Content Based on Computer Modeling Techniques. Frontiers in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (2022) Vol. 2: 1-7. DOI:


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