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Econophysics Through Computation

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DOI: 10.23977/jptc.2020.31001 | Downloads: 66 | Views: 4436


Antika Sinha 1, Sudip Mukherjee 2, Bikas K Chakrabarti 3,4


1 Asutosh College, Kolkata 700026, India.
2 Barasat Government College, Barasat, Kolkata 700124, India.
3 Condensed Matter Physics Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, 1/AF Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700064, India.
4 Economic Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata-700108, India.

Corresponding Author

Antika Sinha


We introduce here very briefly, through some selective choices of problems and through the sample computer simulation programs (following the request of the editor for this invited review in the Journal of Physics Through Computation), the newly developed field of econophysics. Though related attempts could be traced much earlier (see the Appendix), the formal researches in econophysics started in 1995. We hope, the readers (students & researchers) can start themselves to enjoy the excitement, through the sample computer programs given, and eventually can undertake researches in the frontier problems, through the indicated survey literature provided.


Econophysics, Computation


Antika Sinha, Sudip Mukherjee, Bikas K Chakrabarti, Econophysics Through Computation, Journal of Physics Through Computation (2020) Vol. 3: 1-54. DOI:


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