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The impact of anxiety on foreign languagelearning: an exploration of beliefs and implications from a high school English teacher in China

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DOI: 10.23977/appep.2022.030201 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 929


Xiao Pan 1


1 Loudi Normal College for Preschool Education, Lengshuijiang, 417500, Hunan, China

Corresponding Author

Xiao Pan


Motivational theory is particularly significant for language teaching and learning for the many foreign language learners around the world of which approximately one-third experience different levels of foreign language anxiety (FLA). However, regardless of students their own factors, Wang contends that achieving the goal of mastering languages is principally connected with how teachers take care of the emotion of students. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways of reducing students’ anxiety and provide students with a relaxed and cheerful classroom environment. 


Foreign language anxiety (FLA), Teacher beliefs, High school English teaching, Implications


Xiao Pan, The impact of anxiety on foreign languagelearning: an exploration of beliefs and implications from a high school English teacher in China. Applied & Educational Psychology (2022) Vol. 3: 1-4. DOI:


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