Influence of Traditional Ceramic Handicraft Experience Projects in Tourist Attractions on Life Stress and Subjective Well-Being
DOI: 10.23977/appep.2022.030203 | Downloads: 10 | Views: 854
Yong Yang 1,2, Young Chun Ko 3
1 Department of Education, Graduate School, Sehan University, Chonnam, 58447, Korea
2 College of Art, Hunan City University, Yiyang, Hunan, 413000, China
3 Department of Teaching Profession, Graduate School, Sehan University, Chonnam, 58447, Korea
Corresponding Author
The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of life stress on subjective well-being of 254 tourists participating in traditional ceramic handicraft projects in two tourist attractions in Jiangxi Province. The results show that: in the overall groups participating in the project, the life stress, interpersonal relationship pressure, self-worth pressure and self-future pressure belong to medium and high levels, the subjective well-being satisfaction, emotional satisfaction and quality of life satisfaction are at medium and low levels, and gender will not become the influencing factor of each variable. However, among tourists of different ages, tourists aged 20-26 account for the highest in terms of interpersonal pressure, tourists aged 27-33 account for the highest in terms of self-future pressure and self-worth pressure, and tourists aged 41-47 account for the highest in terms of emotional satisfaction and quality of life. Secondly, there is a significant negative correlation and significant negative impact between life stress and subjective well-being. Among the factors affecting subjective well-being, emotional satisfaction and quality of life satisfaction, the highest is the pressure of self-worth. It can be seen that self-worth pressure is the main factor to reduce subjective well-being. On the contrary, increasing self-worth pressure can effectively improve the level of subjective well-being to the highest extent. Therefore, ceramic handicraft projects can add more links to improve tourists' self-worth recognition and encouragement, which can not only bring more self-worth recognition to tourists, improve tourists' subjective well-being and cultural immersion experience, but also bring more project operation performance.
Tourism project experience, Ceramic handicraft, Life stress, Subjective well-beingCITE THIS PAPER
Yong Yang, Young Chun Ko, Influence of Traditional Ceramic Handicraft Experience Projects in Tourist Attractions on Life Stress and Subjective Well-Being. Applied & Educational Psychology (2022) Vol. 3: 13-24. DOI:
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