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Design and analysis of "figure-8" trajectory flapping wing mechanism based on crank rocker

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DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2022.070207 | Downloads: 24 | Views: 990


Shan Tang 1


1 College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China

Corresponding Author

Shan Tang


In order to improve the flight performance of flapping-wing aircraft, a new type of flapping-wing mechanism based on a crank-rocker mechanism was designed by the flight motion characteristics of small and medium-sized birds. Firstly, the kinematics model of the flapping-wing aircraft drive mechanism is established through kinematics analysis. Then, the simulation analysis model of the flapping-wing mechanism is established in the ADAMS simulation software to verify the theoretical analysis. The results show that the designed driving mechanism can realize flapping and twisting movements through a single degree of freedom drive. The upper maximum flapping angle is 28.07°, the lower maximum flapping angle is 25.02°, and the maximum torsion angle is 2.40°. The output "8" shape trajectory is the same as the wingtip trajectory when the creature is flying, and has good aerodynamic performance; the kinematic parameters obtained from the simulation are consistent with the theoretical calculation, which verifies the correctness of the theoretical calculation. 


crank rocker, flapping wing mechanism, figure-8 trajectory


Shan Tang, Design and analysis of "figure-8" trajectory flapping wing mechanism based on crank rocker. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2022) Vol. 7: 48-58. DOI:


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