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Food Classification and Drying Technology Based on U-shaped Circulation Design

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DOI: 10.23977/jptc.2020.31002 | Downloads: 34 | Views: 2711


Guocai Chen 1, Zitong Lin 1, Yizhuo Li 1, Guoqing Li 1, Shizhe Liu 1, Zhiyuan Xu 1


1 School of Navigation and Naval Architecture, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116000, China

Corresponding Author

Zhiyuan Xu


[Objective] In order to solve the problem of short storage time of food, low drying efficiency of traditional air dryers, and greatly impaired taste and nutritional value of air-dried foods, in order to improve the air-drying efficiency and achieve green and safe air-drying of foods, a method of repeating air How to use. [Method] Through a U-shaped circular design, the active blade drives the revolver drum to rotate it, thereby improving the air-drying efficiency and air reuse, ensuring work efficiency and saving energy at the same time. [Results] Experiments prove that this type of food is classified and analyzed. Dryer is more efficient and cost-effective than traditional machines. [Conclusion] This type of food classification and analysis dryer improves the air-drying efficiency and saves energy, guarantees green food safety, and achieves the expected results.


U-shaped circulation design, Drying technology, Dry food


Guocai Chen, Zitong Lin, Yizhuo Li, Guoqing Li, Shizhe Liu and Zhiyuan Xu. Food Classification and Drying Technology Based on U-shaped Circulation Design. Journal of Physics Through Computation (2020) Vol. 3: 55-62. DOI:


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