Analytical solution of advection diffusion equation in two dimensions using different shapes of wind speed and eddy diffusivity
DOI: 10.23977/envcp.2023.020101 | Downloads: 70 | Views: 1588
Khaled S. M. ESSA 1, Sawsan I. M. ELSAIED 1
1 Department of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Nuclear Research Center, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, Egypt
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The diffusion equation has been derived in two dimensions using two methods: variable separation and substituting. We compared the results from these solutions to the results from the Copenhagen experiment, taking into consideration the differences in wind speed and eddy diffusivity.
Advection-diffusion equation, Substituting method, Eddy diffusivity, Wind speed, Copenhagen experiment, Separation of variablesCITE THIS PAPER
Khaled S. M. ESSA, Sawsan I. M. ELSAIED, Analytical solution of advection diffusion equation in two dimensions using different shapes of wind speed and eddy diffusivity. Environment and Climate Protection (2023) Vol. 2: 1-7. DOI:
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