IP Visual Design System of Grassland Silk Road Culture on Account of Intelligent VR Technology
DOI: 10.23977/jipta.2023.060108 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 930
Xiangwei Bu 1
1 Academy of fine arts, Inner Mongolia Minzu University, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, China
Corresponding Author
Visual symbols belong to a comprehensive carrier, which contains artistic elements and often gives a deep memory image. This paper adopts intelligent VR technology to carry out IP visual design for grassland Silk Road culture, so as to sublimate the visual symbol of grassland Silk Road culture. Grassland culture contains many elements, such as joy, anger, sorrow and joy, moon on the grassland, etc., which are the artistic conception pursued by writers. The visual culture of the grassland has been strengthened over time. This paper studies the IP visual design system of grassland Silk Road culture on account of intelligent VR technology, introduces the relevant content and theory of grassland Silk Road culture, and explains the principle of IP visual design of this culture. Data analysis shows that the IP visual design system research of grassland Silk Road culture on account of intelligent VR technology has a very efficient performance in IP visual design.
Intelligent VR Technology, Grassland Silk Road Culture, IP Visual Design, System ResearchCITE THIS PAPER
Xiangwei Bu, IP Visual Design System of Grassland Silk Road Culture on Account of Intelligent VR Technology. Journal of Image Processing Theory and Applications (2023) Vol. 6: 73-79. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/jipta.2023.060108.
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