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Application of Big Data Analysis in Personalized Service Management of University Libraries

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DOI: 10.23977/infkm.2023.040109 | Downloads: 28 | Views: 1133


Mingde He 1


1 Shandong Jiaotong Vocational College, Weifang, Shandong, 261206, China

Corresponding Author

Mingde He


Big data (BD) is currently the most popular technology. Information technology based on BD has become a new technology that can support large-scale data processing. Its application scope is mainly in the comprehensive processing of large-scale information, and those university libraries that need large-scale data processing do need corresponding technical support. Especially in efficient libraries, because it involves tens of thousands of books of college teachers and students, in the current situation, traditional library management methods are increasingly unable to adapt to the impact of massive data. Therefore, in the management of libraries, the introduction of BD technology can improve the management efficiency of libraries, thereby providing better services to more students and students. This paper first introduced the basic framework of BD. Then, BD was applied to personalized service management in university libraries, which improved the overall efficiency. Finally, the questionnaire used to survey library staff and library customers could indicate that people had a high demand for personalized services. Therefore, making good use of BD for personalized service management in university libraries is a very worthy research topic.


Big Data, Library Management, Personalized Service, Data Analysis Algorithm


Mingde He, Application of Big Data Analysis in Personalized Service Management of University Libraries. Information and Knowledge Management (2023) Vol. 4: 71-78. DOI:


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