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Visualization and analysis of electronic fine structure electron cloud

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DOI: 10.23977/mpcr.2023.030101 | Downloads: 41 | Views: 1335


Jie Huang 1, Sihui Yan 2


1 School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, 511400, China
2 School of Physics and Material Science, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, 300000, China

Corresponding Author

Jie Huang


Electron spin and orbital interaction outside the nucleus is a classical and important problem in quantum mechanics. In this paper, a simplified model is constructed for the phenomenon of atomic energy level splitting in weak magnetic field in quantum mechanics, and the wave function of the fine structure of hydrogen-like atoms under perturbation is derived. According to the probability interpretation of quantum mechanics, we obtain the probability density function of the fine structure electron cloud of hydrogen-like atoms. The Monte Carlo selection method is used to sample, and the electron cloud images under different quantum numbers are drawn by Mathematica software. The experimental results are explained regularly, so that people can intuitively understand the distribution of electron cloud in three-dimensional space.


Fine structure, visualization, Monte Carlo simulation


Jie Huang, Sihui Yan, Visualization and analysis of electronic fine structure electron cloud. Modern Physical Chemistry Research (2023) Vol. 3: 1-8. DOI:


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