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An Analysis of the Connection between Gravity and Earth's Motion

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DOI: 10.23977/erej.2023.070403 | Downloads: 14 | Views: 565


Yunpo Mi 1


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Yunpo Mi


There is a profound connection between gravity and Earth's motion. It is the force of gravity that ensures the smooth operation of our planet in its designated orbit, enables it to receive the radiant heat generated by the Sun, and gives rise to the four seasons throughout its journey. This paper provides a concise elucidation of the concept of gravity and focuses on the interrelation between gravity and Earth's motion, presenting substantial data and evidence to refute the traditional notion that the Earth's tilt is solely responsible for the four seasons. The discussion presented herein is scientific and targeted.


Gravity, Four seasons, Earth's motion


Yunpo Mi, An Analysis of the Connection between Gravity and Earth's Motion. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2023) Vol. 7: 26-31. DOI:


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