An Analysis of the Solvency of Enterprises—Taking Qingdao Haier as an Example
DOI: 10.23977/acccm.2023.050709 | Downloads: 1844 | Views: 5677
Yujia Yao 1
1 Guizhou Qiannan Economic College, Guizhou, 550600, China
Corresponding Author
With the progress of society, the development of the household appliances industry is also getting faster and faster, we can accurately acknowledge the company's financial situation through accounting reports, which helps the company understand the past, evaluate the present, and anticipate the future. This paper mainly analyzes the financial indicators of Qingdao Haier's financial statements from 2018 to 2022, focuses on the short-term and long-term solvency of the enterprise, and uses various indicators to analyze the solvency of the enterprise, identify the problem, and give suggestions.
Financial analysis, Solvency, Qingdao HaierCITE THIS PAPER
Yujia Yao, An Analysis of the Solvency of Enterprises—Taking Qingdao Haier as an Example. Accounting and Corporate Management (2023) Vol. 5: 67-71. DOI:
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