Evaluation and Analysis of Environmental Carrying Capacity of Recreation Area in Qinglong Lake Wetland Park
DOI: 10.23977/erej.2023.070408 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 1076
Fan Yang 1, Long Yang 2, Huawei Xiao 3
1 School of Tourism and Culture Industry, Chengdu University, Chengdu, China
2 Business School, Chengdu University, Chengdu, China
3 Social Science Department, Chengdu University, Chengdu, China
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With the rapid development of cities, the contradiction between citizens' demand for recreation and the limited area of green space in parks has become increasingly prominent. Research on recreation environmental carrying capacity is conducive to solving this problem. This paper uses analytic hierarchy process to determine the index weight, fuzzy mathematics to determine the degree of membership, and finally determines the comprehensive evaluation model of environmental carrying capacity of Qinglong Lake Wetland Park. The research results provide guidance for solving the contradiction between citizens' recreation needs and the limited area of green space in parks.
Qinglong Lake Wetland Park; Recreation area; Environmental carrying capacityCITE THIS PAPER
Fan Yang, Long Yang, Huawei Xiao, Evaluation and Analysis of Environmental Carrying Capacity of Recreation Area in Qinglong Lake Wetland Park. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2023) Vol. 7: 71-76. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/erej.2023.070408.
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