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Analysis on the Characteristics of High-Temperature Heat Wave Weather in Jilin Province from 1961 to 2018

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DOI: 10.23977/envcp.2023.020104 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 985


Lifang Song 1, Xinjing Zhang 2, Ruixiang Song 1, Lei Li 1, Meng Zhang 1, Xiyu Zhang 3


1 Jilin Meteorological Service Centre, Changchun, Jilin, 130062, China
2 Jilin Meteorological Information Network Centre, Changchun, Jilin, 130062, China
3 Jilin Shengcai Meteorological Technology Co., Ltd, Changchun, Jilin, 130062, China

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Xinjing Zhang


In this study, meteorological data from 47 stations in Jilin Province during June to August from 1961 to 2018 are examined. The data includes daily maximum temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity. The analysis focuses on the change patterns of daily maximum temperature (Tmax), perceived temperature (ATmax), and high temperature heat waves (3d ≥ 35°C). The impact of meteorological factors on daily maximum perceived temperature is assessed using gray correlation degree and partial correlation coefficient. The researchresultsshow that from 1961 to 2018, the average values of Tmax from June to August of each meteorological station in Jilin Province were 25.6℃, 27.5℃ and 26.6℃ respectively, and the average climatic inclination rates were 0.192, 0.134 and 0.153℃ (10a)-1 respectively; the average values of ATmax were 26.6℃, 30.2℃ and 29.3℃ respectively, and the average climatic inclination rates were 0.339, 0.238 and 0.234℃(10a)-1. From June to August, the average numbers of days with the maximum air temperature ≥35℃ of each station were 0.29, 0.26 and 0.10 dof-1, and the overall average is 0.64 dd -1, with the maximum in June, the secondary in July and the minimum in August. The increase rate of the number of days with the maximum air temperature ≥35℃ from June to August was 0.132d second-1. The maximum number of days with high temperature occurred in the western part of Jilin Province, and the minimum occurred in the central and southern part. The average number of times of high-temperature heat waves at each station was 0.041 per year, and the increase rate of heat waves was 0.012 times(10a)-1. The high-value areas were mainly distributed in the west of Jilin Province, and basically no high-temperature heat waves occurred in the central and southern regions. Analysis of the grey correlation coefficient shows that the maximum somatosensory temperature is most closely related to the maximum air temperature, followed by relative humidity, and wind speed is the least relewant.


Jilin Province, Maximum Air Temperature, Maximum Somatosensory Temperature, High-Temperature Heat Wave, Grey Correlation Degree


Lifang Song, Xinjing Zhang, Ruixiang Song, Lei Li, Meng Zhang, Xiyu Zhang, Analysis on the Characteristics of High-Temperature Heat Wave Weather in Jilin Province from 1961 to 2018. Environment and Climate Protection (2023) Vol. 2: 21-30. DOI:


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