Opportunities and Challenges from Energy Transition: Based on Carbon Neutrality Strategy Case Study in China
DOI: 10.23977/erej.2023.070701 | Downloads: 31 | Views: 1005
Junxian Long 1, Wenyue Chen 2, Zhike Zhang 2
1 Boston University, 1 Silber Way, Boston, United States of America
2 Hefei No. 8 High School, Hefei, China
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Junxian LongABSTRACT
Humans have released a significant amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as civilization has grown, contributing to environmental issues such as global warming. Of them, China faces the brunt of the duty to protect the environment for human habitation, being the nation with the highest emissions. This review focuses on three main areas: the current state and future planning of China's energy technology field; the development of China's carbon trading market; and the Chinese government's 2030 "carbon peak" and 2060 "carbon neutrality" two major goals and related guiding policies. The sector of new energy is expanding quickly, public awareness of environmental protection is rising, and the carbon trading market is steadily getting better under the direction and control of the government. However, China still has enormous technical challenges in satisfying its massive energy needs. The Chinese government's continued economic and policy support will hasten the advancement of technology and enhance market performance.
Energy Transition, China, Climate Change, Carbon Neutrality, Opportunities, ChallengesCITE THIS PAPER
Junxian Long, Wenyue Chen, Zhike Zhang, Opportunities and Challenges from Energy Transition: Based on Carbon Neutrality Strategy Case Study in China. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2023) Vol. 7: 1-8. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/erej.2023.070701.
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