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Research on the Development of Female Physical Education Concept

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DOI: 10.23977/icssme.2019.073


Liang Ma, Yan Liang

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Liang Ma


By using the methods of documentation, historical analysis and comparison, this paper sorts out and compares the concepts of female physical education of the major educators in China and the West before 1949. The main conclusions are as follows: Pre-contemporary Chinese and Western concepts on female physical education did not develop in a straight line, but in a spiral and tortuous way. Educators who have exerted great influence on Chinese and Western education, including physical education, have not fully and perfectly discussed female physical education, reflecting the insufficiency of attaching importance to female physical education, but these scattered discussions on female physical education are of great significance for further summarizing and putting forward the theoretical system of female physical education concept.


By using the methods of documentation, historical analysis and comparison, this paper sorts out and compares the concepts of female physical education of the major educators in China and the West before 1949 The main conclusions are as follows: Pre-contemporary Chinese and Western concepts on female physical education did not develop in a straight line, but in a spiral and tortuous way Educators who have exerted great influence on Chinese and Western education, including physical education, have

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