Research on the Gap in Teaching Proficiency in the Aerospace Discipline between Western and Chinese University Professors, and Improvement Methods
DOI: 10.23977/trance.2023.050806 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 442
Du Jianxun 1
1 School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tiangong University, Tianjin, China
Corresponding Author
This study aims to identify the teaching gap between Chinese university professors and those from developed countries in Europe and north America in the aerospace discipline, and explore methods to bridge these gaps. Aerospace discipline is a highly specialized and cutting-edge field where the teaching proficiency of professors directly impacts students' learning outcomes and professional competence. The research findings reveal that professors from developed countries generally possess deeper expertise and practical experience in this field, enabling them to deliver higher-quality instruction. In contrast, Chinese university professors exhibit relatively lower teaching proficiency in the same domain. This has significant implications for aerospace education and research in China, as the aerospace discipline holds strategic importance in national security, defense construction, and economic development. Therefore, enhancing the teaching proficiency of Chinese university professors in this discipline is crucial for fostering exceptional talent, driving research innovation, and boosting national capabilities. This study proposes a series of improvement methods, including fostering students' creativity and critical thinking, enhancing teaching methods through innovation and improvement, strengthening collaboration and exchange with industry. Through these methods, the teaching proficiency of Chinese university professors in the aerospace discipline can be enhanced, providing a conducive teaching environment and faculty resources for cultivating high-quality talent and promoting innovation in the field. This will have a positive impact on the development of China's aerospace industry and contribute to enhancing the country's competitiveness and capabilities in this domain.
Educational methods, Educational theories, The gap in education, Aerospace engineering majorCITE THIS PAPER
Du Jianxun, Research on the Gap in Teaching Proficiency in the Aerospace Discipline between Western and Chinese University Professors, and Improvement Methods. Transactions on Comparative Education (2023) Vol. 5: 33-39. DOI:
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