Image Recognition for Fruit-Picking Robots
DOI: 10.23977/jipta.2023.060115 | Downloads: 79 | Views: 1329
Shi Mingxuan 1
1 School of Economics and Finance, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710128, China
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Shi MingxuanABSTRACT
This summary provides solutions to the five questions posed in the context of developing an apple image recognition model for fruit-picking robots. The aim is to achieve high recognition accuracy and speed while addressing challenges related to orchard environments. The questions focus on counting apples, estimating their positions, maturity states, masses, and recognizing different types of apples. The solutions involve analyzing labeled fruit images, extracting features, and applying mathematical models to obtain the desired results. The summary below outlines the key findings for each question. In summary, this competition focused on developing an image recognition model for fruit-picking robots to improve apple-picking efficiency and ensure fruit quality. The proposed solutions provided accurate answers to the questions regarding apple counting, position estimation, maturity estimation, mass estimation, and apple recognition. The developed model demonstrated high recognition rates, fast processing speeds, and reliable accuracy in analyzing the provided fruit image datasets.
Fruit-picking robots, image recognition, apple counting, apple position estimation, apple maturity estimation, apple mass estimation, apple recognitionCITE THIS PAPER
Shi Mingxuan, Image Recognition for Fruit-Picking Robots. Journal of Image Processing Theory and Applications (2023) Vol. 6: 132-139. DOI:
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