Comparative Evaluation of Eastern and Western Physical Education Culture
DOI: 10.23977/trance.2023.050816 | Downloads: 18 | Views: 495
Dehai Song 1, Amankulov Kanat Maratovch 2
1 Institute of Physical Education, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130000, China
2 First Vice-President of the Central Asian Athletics Federation, Bishkek, 720001, Kirgizstan
Corresponding Author
Sports activities are a unique activity of human society, in which humans are both carriers and subjects. They constitute an important bridge between the human body and psychology. In today's advanced civilized society, physical education is an important component of education at all levels. It not only enhances students' physical functions, but also enriches the spiritual world of those engaged in sports activities, instilling firm beliefs in them, and enabling them to test their limits, and ultimately achieve harmonious, comprehensive, and healthy physical and mental development. This article introduces the origin, differences, respective connotations, development processes, and cooperation and exchange of sports culture between the East and the West, allowing readers to truly understand the sports culture of the East and the West, and deeply grasp how sports culture "goes out" and "introduces".
Physical Education Culture, East West, Confucian Culture, Comparative StudyCITE THIS PAPER
Dehai Song, Amankulov Kanat Maratovch, Comparative Evaluation of Eastern and Western Physical Education Culture. Transactions on Comparative Education (2023) Vol. 5: 107-113. DOI:
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