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Imaginary and Real: The Construction of Imaginary Space in Literary Tourist Attractions—Taking Hardy's "The Return of The Nature" as an Example

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DOI: 10.23977/langl.2024.070109 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 379


Jianing Guo 1, Lingwei Meng 1, Peijuan Li 1


1 School of Foreign Languages, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450000, China

Corresponding Author

Jianing Guo


With the development of society, the relationship between literature and tourism is getting closer and closer. Modern people are faced with spiritual dilemmas, and in order to pursue the home of the soul, people's pursuit and exploratory nature of different cultures in urban and rural areas have intensified, and they begin to flee from the cities to the villages, and the mobility of the society has greatly increased. The 'Kingdom of Wessex' constructed by Hardy with his influence and the unique mood of his works attracted a large number of readers, and the places related to his works became the actual tourist destinations and virtual spiritual habitats that people aspired to. His meticulous portrayal of the stories on Eden Moor reflects his thoughts on modern issues and personalized aesthetic perspective, making the stoic and sublime moorland imagery gradually become a place of literary pilgrimage in the minds of modern people. Therefore, based on the theory of constructivism, this paper uses the stable triangular consciousness structure of text, reader and place as the coordinates to construct a rural space of the wilderness where reality and fiction are intertwined, so as to strengthen the coupling force between literature and tourism.


Constructivism; Hardy; wilderness imagery; literature and tourism


Jianing Guo, Lingwei Meng, Peijuan Li, Imaginary and Real: The Construction of Imaginary Space in Literary Tourist Attractions—Taking Hardy's "The Return of The Nature" as an Example. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2024) Vol. 7: 53-60. DOI:


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