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Research on the Application of ChatGPT in the Interdisciplinars of Higher Education

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2024.070107 | Downloads: 41 | Views: 788


Xiaoqian Li 1, Peijun Ju 1, Jianzhong Zhang 1, Shufen Zhao 1


1 School of Mathematics and Statistics, Taishan University, Tai'an, Shandong, 271000, China

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Xiaoqian Li


This paper focuses on analyzing and assessing the role and potential impacts of ChatGPT within the realm of higher education, with a specific emphasis on its utility in interdisciplinary academic and research contexts. As an advanced tool in the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT's deployment in educational and research frameworks introduces both novel opportunities and challenges. The study employs an array of methodological approaches including comprehensive literature reviews, in-depth case studies, empirical data analysis, and comparative research to gauge the effectiveness of ChatGPT in higher educational settings. Findings from the study suggest that ChatGPT serves as a pivotal medium for the integration and dissemination of knowledge across various disciplines, promoting cross-disciplinary dialogue and understanding. It also plays a significant role in enhancing students' ability to think across different academic domains and nurture their innovative skills. The multifaceted research approach not only sheds light on the diverse functionalities of ChatGPT in interdisciplinary higher education but also underscores its potential as a forward-looking tool in shaping future educational and research paradigms.


ChatGPT, Interdisciplinary Higher Education, Methodological Innovation, Knowledge Integration


Xiaoqian Li, Peijun Ju, Jianzhong Zhang, Shufen Zhao, Research on the Application of ChatGPT in the Interdisciplinars of Higher Education. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2024) Vol. 7: 40-45. DOI:


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