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Research on Dynamic Game Model of Enterprise Green Technology Innovation Driving Force

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2017.21002 | Downloads: 51 | Views: 4087


Zhong Liu 1, Zheng Jianguo 1


1 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai, 200051, China

Corresponding Author

Zhong Liu


As environmental pollution problem becomes increasingly serious,the driving force of green technological innovation from the government and public consumers is currently strengthening. Hence relationship of mutual restraint and interaction exists among the government,innovative enterprises, and general consumers are quite concerned. This paper proposes the tripartite evolutionary game model of the government,enterprises, and public consumers,then applies dynamic game evolution theory to build the third-party game payoff matrix, analyses the influences of enterprises, governments and consumers decision on green technology innovation through evolution model, the results show that pollution resistance measures of consumers will promote the diffusion of green technology innovation to some extent, high pollution regulation of governments make contributions to the green technology innovation as well.


Enterprises, Government, Consumers, Green Technology Innovation.


Zhong Liu, Zheng Jianguo. Research on Dynamic Game Model of Enterprise Green Technology Innovation Driving Force (2017) Vol. 2, Num. 1: 13-19.


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