Development Path and Improvement Suggestions for Traditional Financial Robo-Advisors under AI+Cloud Computing
DOI: 10.23977/infse.2024.050315 | Downloads: 4 | Views: 200
Yicheng Peng 1
1 Mergers & Acquisitions Practice, West Monroe Partners, New York, 10019, USA
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Yicheng PengABSTRACT
With the rapid development of China's wealth management market, robo-advisors have attracted increasing attention. Despite the relatively mature foreign markets, China still faces issues such as low penetration rates and insufficient investor awareness. This study finds that robo-advisor platforms utilize AI technology to provide personalized investment advice and real-time portfolio optimization, combined with cloud computing to offer powerful computing and storage capabilities. Traditional financial institutions transitioning to robo-advisors face challenges in establishing technical architectures, optimizing algorithm models, and considering collaboration with third-party technology providers. Additionally, robo-advisors face challenges in product innovation, risk management, etc., requiring enhanced data processing capabilities, optimized algorithm models, strengthened system security, and personalized services. The advisory model is becoming a trend, focusing on investor interests and personalized services. FinTech supports advisory transformation through precise profiling, intelligent operations, etc., enhancing investor experience and returns. However, risk management remains crucial, requiring strengthened risk identification, assessment, and control. In conclusion, FinTech is supporting advisory transformation and enhancing investor experience, but the market still needs to address challenges, strengthen risk management, and achieve sustained healthy development.
AI Artificial Intelligence, Robo-Advisors, Development of Financial Institutions, Improvement SuggestionsCITE THIS PAPER
Yicheng Peng, Development Path and Improvement Suggestions for Traditional Financial Robo-Advisors under AI+Cloud Computing. Information Systems and Economics (2024) Vol. 5: 105-111. DOI:
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