Strategy and Practice of Power System Relay Protection under Extreme Weather Conditions
DOI: 10.23977/jeeem.2024.070204 | Downloads: 20 | Views: 447
Shuang Yan 1, Qingxin Meng 1
1 State Grid Tong Hua Power Supply Company, State Grid Jilin Electric Power Company Limited, Tonghua, Jilin, China
Corresponding Author
With the continuous expansion and increasing complexity of the power system, the protection requirements for the power system are also increasing. Although traditional relay protection systems can play a certain protective role, they have some limitations, such as the inability to comprehensively monitor the power system and the lack of accurate judgment. Developing and applying intelligent relay protection systems has become an important way to improve the safety and reliability of power systems. This article explored the relay protection strategies and practices for power systems under extreme weather conditions. Traditional relay protection systems have limitations in addressing the increasingly complex protection needs of power systems. Therefore, the development and application of intelligent relay protection systems have become a key way to improve the safety and reliability of power systems. This article verified the effectiveness of the knowledge base based relay protection fault handling process in improving the safety, stability, and fault handling efficiency of power systems through experimental results and discussions. The experimental results showed that under different fault conditions, the processing accuracy was generally high, and in the vast majority of cases, the accuracy exceeded 90%. For example, the accuracy of handling line short circuits and voltage anomalies was 95% and 96%, respectively.
Power System; Relay Protection; Fault Detection; Knowledge BaseCITE THIS PAPER
Shuang Yan, Qingxin Meng, Strategy and Practice of Power System Relay Protection under Extreme Weather Conditions. Journal of Electrotechnology, Electrical Engineering and Management (2024) Vol. 7: 20-27. DOI:
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