Character Creation from the Perspective of Cognitive Aesthetics in "The Remains of the Day"
DOI: 10.23977/langl.2024.070614 | Downloads: 23 | Views: 371
Yuwen Peng 1
1 Jiangxi University of Technology, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China
Corresponding Author
Cognitive aesthetics is an interdisciplinary field that has developed with the rise of cognitive science. This article will use cognitive aesthetics as a literary analysis tool to deeply analyze the portrayal of characters through their characteristics, behaviors, and inner activities in The Remains of the Day, enabling readers to have a more comprehensive understanding and deep perception of characters. Furthermore, in analyzing the cognition of Stevens, Lord Darlington, and Miss Kenton, it is pointed out that characters are deeply influenced by their social roles, class backgrounds, and personal cognition. This article not only enriches the understanding of the literary work "The Remains of the Day", but also provides new analytical perspectives and research methods for cognitive aesthetics and literary research. By exploring the cognitive processes and characteristics of characters, we can better understand the behavioral motivations and psychological mechanisms of individuals in society, which is of great significance for in-depth research on character images and themes in literary works.
Cognitive Aesthetics, Character Creation, The Remains of the Day, Literary analysisCITE THIS PAPER
Yuwen Peng, Character Creation from the Perspective of Cognitive Aesthetics in "The Remains of the Day". Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2024) Vol. 7: 86-91. DOI:
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