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Study on the Impact of Interaction Modes on Second Language Acquisition

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DOI: 10.23977/langl.2024.070701 | Downloads: 81 | Views: 452


Chen Li 1


1 College of Social Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Corresponding Author

Chen Li


This paper aims to explore the impact of interaction modes on second language acquisition (SLA) outcomes. By analyzing the roles of different types of interaction modes, including oral and written interactions, the study reveals their positive and negative effects on language learning. Grounded in major SLA theories such as the Input Hypothesis, Interaction Hypothesis, and Output Hypothesis, the paper systematically evaluates how interaction modes enhance learners' language abilities and investigates their practical applications through empirical research and case studies. The findings indicate that both oral and written interactions have distinct advantages and challenges, and optimizing these interaction modes can significantly improve SLA outcomes. The paper also offers recommendations for optimizing interaction modes to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for teaching practices.


Interaction Modes; Second Language Acquisition; Oral Interaction; Written Interaction


Chen Li, Study on the Impact of Interaction Modes on Second Language Acquisition. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2024) Vol. 7: 1-8. DOI:


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