The Sources of Celie's Trauma in The Color Purple
DOI: 10.23977/langl.2024.070814 | Downloads: 15 | Views: 178
Tingting Jiang 1
1 Nanchang Jiaotong Institute, Nanchang, Jiangxi, 330100, China
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Tingting JiangABSTRACT
Alice Walker (1944—) is one of the prominent contemporary African-American women writers in the United States. Both in her life and writing Walker has devoted herself to uncovering the miserable life of black women and exploring their traumatic experiences, which are manifested in The Color Purple. Based on trauma theories of Sigmund Freud and Judith Herman, this paper mainly analyzes the causes of Celie's trauma, which lie in sexual abuse and domestic violence and further reveals the gender oppression behind the sources of Celie's trauma. This paper not only shows Walker's concern for oppressed African women, criticism of male hegemony in Africa and reflection on the sexual relations but also provides inspirations for women in reality to make them remain vigilant at trauma all times.
The Color Purple; Celie; Trauma; SourcesCITE THIS PAPER
Tingting Jiang, The Sources of Celie's Trauma in The Color Purple. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2024) Vol. 7: 102-106. DOI:
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