Translation of Cultural Elements of the Shu Road and Strategies for Their Dissemination: A Case Study of Shu Road Cultural Stories
DOI: 10.23977/langl.2024.070816 | Downloads: 6 | Views: 142
Jianjing Wang 1, Changyuan Cao 2
1 College of Foreign Languages, China West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan, 637009, China
2 School of Education, China West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan, 637009, China
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Changyuan CaoABSTRACT
The essence of Shu Road culture is expansive, embracing a rich tapestry of cultural elements. Under the policy support and advocacy for the globalization of Chinese culture, Shu Road culture should exhibit its cultural charm through diverse means, actively seeking pathways and strategies to present itself as one of the outstanding manifestations of Chinese culture on the world stage. Taking the intangible cultural aspect of Shu Road cultural elements—specifically, cultural stories—as an example, this paper explores the connotations of the Shu Road and Shu Road culture, as well as the categorization of Shu Road culture.It meticulously examines representative stories of Shu Road culture, including "Mingxiu Zhandao, Andu Chencang", "Wu Dings Opening the Mountains" and "The Legend of Jianmen Pass", and explores effective strategies for disseminating this outstanding culture from four dimensions: the disseminators, the audience, the content being disseminated, and the media channels employed.
Cultural Elements; Cultural Story; Dissemination StrategyCITE THIS PAPER
Jianjing Wang, Changyuan Cao, Translation of Cultural Elements of the Shu Road and Strategies for Their Dissemination: A Case Study of Shu Road Cultural Stories. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2024) Vol. 7: 114-122. DOI:
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