Dynamic Model Establishment and Simplification for 4WID-4WIS Electric Vehicles
DOI: 10.23977/acss.2024.080706 | Downloads: 8 | Views: 158
Hao Zhu 1, Su Zhou 2,3, Xin Gu 2,4
1 Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection Certification & Tech Innovation Center Co., Ltd, Shanghai, 201805, China
2 Tongji University, Shanghai, 201804, China
3 Shanghai Zhongqiao Vocational and Technical University, Shanghai, 201514, China
4 Shanghai New Power Automotive Technology CO., LTD, Shanghai, 200438, China
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Based on the Pacejka magic tire formula, this paper establishes a nonlinear full model of a four-wheel independent drive and four-wheel independent steering car. Using the discrete step method, the paper solves the nonlinear implicit differential equations, simplifies the model, and determines its applicable scope. Finally, the paper compares the simulation results of three simplified models with those of the full model. The results show that under the corresponding applicable conditions, the results of the simplified models are very similar to those of the full model, allowing the full model to be replaced by the simplified model.
Four-wheel independent drive; four-wheel independent steering; dynamic model; Pacejka magic tire formula; simplified modelCITE THIS PAPER
Hao Zhu, Su Zhou, Xin Gu, Dynamic Model Establishment and Simplification for 4WID-4WIS Electric Vehicles. Advances in Computer, Signals and Systems (2024) Vol. 8: 43-56. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/acss.2024.080706.
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