Multimodal Metaphor Construction of Death Meaning in Children's Picture Books from the Perspective of Conceptual Integration Theory
DOI: 10.23977/langl.2024.070818 | Downloads: 9 | Views: 107
Hu Minglin 1
1 School of English, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an, China
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Children's picture books, as typical multimodal texts, present a unique way of meaning construction through the interaction of images, words, and other symbolic elements. In these books, the interaction between text and image goes beyond a supplementary relationship and involves cross-domain conceptual integration, collaboratively constructing more complex and profound metaphorical meanings. Conceptual Integration Theory, as an effective framework for explaining metaphor and cognition, holds significant value in analyzing multimodal metaphorical discourse. This paper takes the children's picture book Little Scar as the research object to explore the multimodal metaphor integration process of the abstract concept of death in the interaction between text and image. The study finds that the images and words in the picture book complement and connect with each other to jointly construct an emotionally rich metaphor of death, helping children understand and accept this complex concept both emotionally and cognitively. Through a detailed analysis of Little Scar, this paper verifies the applicability of Conceptual Integration Theory in multimodal discourse and demonstrates that the theory effectively explains how images and words integrate across domains to create new metaphorical meanings.
Children's picture books; multimodal metaphor; conceptual integration theory; death meaningCITE THIS PAPER
Hu Minglin, Multimodal Metaphor Construction of Death Meaning in Children's Picture Books from the Perspective of Conceptual Integration Theory. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2024) Vol. 7: 128-133. DOI:
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