A Case Study on Cognitive and Emotional Elements of Second Language Learning Motivation—From the Perspective of Perezhivanie
DOI: 10.23977/langl.2024.070820 | Downloads: 10 | Views: 99
Han Yu 1
1 School of English Studies, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an, China
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Second language learners possess a wide range of learning experiences, which result in varying levels of motivation from both cognitive and emotional standpoints. Previous researches have predominantly centered on the Second Language Motivation Self System Theory or has examined motivation through an emotional lens. However, there is a notable gap in studies that investigate the factors influencing second language motivation using the concept of perezhivanie from sociocultural theory. To address this gap, this study employs perezhivanie as an analytical framework to delve into the motivational dynamics of a junior non-English major university student engaged in English language learning. Utilizing reflective journals and semi-structured interviews, the research elucidates the multifaceted influences on the student's motivation, including their family environment, interpersonal interactions, and the pressure of various exams. These factors are shown to impact the students second language motivation in different ways, highlighting the complexity of motivational processes. By integrating the concept of perezhivanie, this study offers a fresh theoretical perspective to the field of motivation research. It also aims to contribute valuable insights to foreign language teaching practices, potentially enhancing educators' understanding of the diverse motivational factors at play in language learning contexts.
Second language learning motivation, perezhivanie, second language learning experience, cognition, emotionCITE THIS PAPER
Han Yu, A Case Study on Cognitive and Emotional Elements of Second Language Learning Motivation—From the Perspective of Perezhivanie. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2024) Vol. 7: 139-143. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/langl.2024.070820.
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