The Possibility of Translation Theory by Xu Yuanchong from a Translation-Semiotics Perspective
DOI: 10.23977/langl.2021.41007 | Downloads: 20 | Views: 1414
Yi Huang 1
1 Faculty of Foreign Languages, Anyang Normal University, Anyang, 455000, China
Corresponding Author
As a linguistic behavior, translation bring culture and language to another. We have undergone a translation theory from faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, the sublimed adaption. Up to now, we have a new trend, the inter-disciplinary translation, such as the semiotic perspective. In this study, we try to make an analysis on Xu Yuanchong’s translation theory from the translation semiotics perspective in the framework of Pierce’s firstness, secondness and thirdness. In addition, we take one translated poem as one example for further semiotics analysis. In the end, we can have a new perspective to make an analysis on Xu Yuanchong’s translated poems and his translation theory in the framework of semiotic translation.
Translation, Xu Yuanchong’s translation theory, Semiotic translationCITE THIS PAPER
Yi Huang. The Possibility of Translation Theory by Xu Yuanchong from a Translation-Semiotics Perspective. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2021) 4: 43-50. DOI:
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