Character Analysis on the Three Ladies in The Moon and Sixpence
DOI: 10.23977/langl.2021.41009 | Downloads: 311 | Views: 4660
Wang Dengwen 1, Liu Pancheng 1
1 School of Foreign Languages of Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, 341000, China
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Wang DengwenABSTRACT
Maugham is a famous and unique writer in English literature. In his novel The Moon and Sixpence, the hero of the novel Strickland met three different female characters in his pursuit of the ideal life, he and the three women had different emotional fetters, but every woman could not escape the abandoned ending. From the images of three entirely different women depicted in his novel, his views on women can be seen -- two-sided and hypocritical. Mrs. Strickland, The image of the devil girl Blanche and the perfect wife Ata had different styles. In the society at that time, women did not have much autonomy, they still depended on men to survive, so women in that society had limitations. By analyzing and interpreting vital female figures in the novel, this paper tries to explore Maugham's intention in portraying female characters and the reasons for portraying the characters. Thus, reflection on the existence of the patriarchal society can be deepened and true equality between the sexes can be pursued.
The moon and sixpence, Patriarchal society, Female, EqualityCITE THIS PAPER
Wang Dengwen, Liu Pancheng. Character Analysis on the Three Ladies in The Moon and Sixpence. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2021) 4: 57-62. DOI:
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