Ac Steady State Analysis of Transmission Line
DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2020.030101 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 2271
Ruonan Cheng 1, Haotian Gao 1
1 Jinan Campus, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Jinan, 250031, China
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Ruonan ChengABSTRACT
In this paper, LT spice has been used to simulate the lumped equivalent circuit of transmission line. The transmission line has been analyzed using alternating current by linear sweep, short circuit and open circuit experiments. In order to verify the results, the electromagnetic wave phase velocity and transmission line characteristic impedance have been calculated, and compared with the theoretical value.
LT spice; Transmission line; Phase velocityCITE THIS PAPER
Ruonan Cheng, Haotian Gao. Ac Steady State Analysis of Transmission Line. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2020) Vol. 3: 1-4. DOI:
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